I tried to get young brothers that were shy and hanging back to feel wanted and included by handling microphones. I was told by one 15 year old that he could not afford a tie and was too embarassed to ask his mother for the money. I spoke to her and she was happy he was willing to be more involved in the meetings and bought him a tie. A small expense to most but these folks were very poor. He was thrilled to handle the mics but the Elders jumped all over me that he did not wear a jacket. I explained his poverty and that his attitude about meetings and bible study had improved. They did not care and said he could not handle microphones without a jacket. He heard every word the Elders said and asked me why he should try to progress spiritually when the Elders did not care about his family situation.
That was the first time I realized the Elders did not care about spirituality but outward appearance. It was hard to accept but it only grew worse from then on.